Launch event IE Center for C-Centricity


IE Center for C-Centricity - Decoding C-Centricity | IE


IE Center for C-Centricity hosted an open conference at IE Campus. The event called after “Decoding c-Centricity: “we put customers first”… and now what?”, jointly organized with PwC, counted with the participation of the center’s corporate members and the amount of 150 attendees approximately.

The event was inaugurated by the chairman of the center, Mr Carlos Mas Ivars, who welcomed the audience and speakers and Ms María Alvarado, the executive director of the center, who introduced the new vision and purpose of the center as well as the objectives and main activities.

During the session, the audience could witness the conclusions of the research “Decoding Customer Centricity” led by the Academic Director of the center Dr. María Eizaguirre. This research received a warm welcoming by the audience as not only it identifies the elements that compound the concept Customer Centricity but also it offers a model to bring it to life: The C-Centricity Net. In addition to this, Mr Javier Baixas from PwC presented a brief introduction of RoX a metric to measure the impact of investing on customer experience and how can it be profitable for companies in the long run.

To conclude, some of our corporate members (AXA, The Bahlsen Family, ING, Repsol, Mahou San Miguel and Palladium Hotel Group) participated in an open conversation related to customer-centricity. They expressed the main challenges they had to overcome to transform their business models and become truly c-centric.
