Culture and Employee Centricity Think Tank led by Prof. Laura Illia


Think Tank with Prof. Laura Illia on Employee Centricity - IE Center for Consumer Driven Growth

Corporate and academic members of the IE Center for C-Centricity have had the opportunity to witness the results of extensive literature review on Culture and Customer Centricity carried out by Professor Laura Illia.

Laura Illia is specialized in Corporate Social Responsibility, Reputation, Corporate Communication, Crisis and Issues Management and works as an Associate Professor at IE University.  She has been doing research at the University of Cambridge (UK), London School of Economics and Political Science (UK) and Università della Svizzera Italiana (CH). In addition to this, she serves on the Editorial Board of Business & Society (Sage), Corporate Reputation Review (Palgrave) and Corporate Communication: An international journal (Emerald).

Under Illia’s  conclusions, there is not enough evidence to determine whether culture and c-centricity are linked. For this reason,  other concepts have been considered as a subject of study.  More specifically, these concepts are identity, employee centricity, leadership, and co-creation. From the 88% of the cases, it became clear that the most prominent among the areas is employee centricity. According to Illia, this dimension lies on three pillars: employee empowerment, balance centricity, and relationship building.

Participants could interact and discuss these concepts around four main topics: Employee training, Reinventing marketing, Best and worst practices of CC and Social aspects of CC. The session has served to enlighten the importance of forging a culture on employee and customer-centricity.