Think tank on C-Satisfaction Metrics: Are Customer Satisfaction and CX the same thing?
On December 19th, the IE Center for C-Centricity invited Dr. Toni Seijo and the research Assistant, Andrés Eduardo Saavedra Rojas, to led an online think tank on customer satisfaction metrics with the corporate members.
Dr. Toni Seijo, Ph.D. in Economic and Business Sciences and director of IPSOS, a global market study and consulting firm, is a faculty member of the Center and he is currently leading the academic research project “How can we successfully measure customer satisfaction within C-Centric organizations?” centered on evaluating the definition, role, and characteristics of true customer-centric measures.
The session started with this warm-up question:
Are Customer Satisfaction and CX the same thing?
Despite being often confused or used interchangeably, they are not the same. According to experts, the Customer Experience concept is broader than customer satisfaction. While customer satisfaction focuses on expectation fulfillment, the customer experience focuses on value generation. In addition to this, their scopes are different. Customer satisfaction is everything related to purchasing, whereas customer experience is forging long-lasting relationships.
Once identified the main differences and the importance of the Customer experience concept in companies’ strategies, Toni presented three important indicators to measure it: Satisfaction + Recommendation + Behavioral Loyalty.
Thanks to the expertise of Toni Seijo, the Center’s corporate members learned more about Costumer Experience how to identify it, how to apply it, and most importantly, how to measure it.